Artists Talking: Popty2015
14 Oct 2015
Event times
Talk takes place on Wed 14 Oct from 6pm
Cost of entry
- Queens Hall, High St
- Narberth
- Pembrokeshire
- SA67 7AS
- United Kingdom
You are invited to come and hear some of the international artists talk about their work at Oriel Q - Queens Hall Gallery on Wednesday 14th October, starting at 6.00pm. There'll be time to chat too...
What would happen if 25 artists from southern African countries, Wales and the UK spent two weeks living and working together in an isolated farm in rural west Wales?
If they just brought their ideas and skills and a few favourite tools, but had none of their usual materials and found themselves working in new and unusual ways, without any pressure to finish anything for an exhibition? And they spent their evenings talking and looking at slideshows of each others' work, and local artists came to join the discussions, and then students and artlovers and curious people wanting to know what a bunch of artists from such different backgrounds would find in common? And at first the artists would work in isolation, keeping the workshop closed to visitors so they could experiment in peace...but throw the doors open after a week and invite any and everyone to come and look and chat while they worked; and at the end of the two weeks they would have an Open Day so everything that had been made could be shared and discussed and photographed and admired or even laughed over together.
It's happening in October. It's called Popty 2015 ('popty' means 'bakehouse' in Welsh); it takes place at Penquoit Centre on a farm in Pembrokeshire.
Most of the artists are very experienced, some are mature but some are young and in early career; 9 are from African countries, 14 from Wales and the UK.
The international artists involved in Popty2015 will give presentations about their work on Wednesday 14th October at Oriel Q - Queens Hall Gallery in Narberth from 6pm until late.
Popty 2015 is an offsite event for Oriel Q, and is funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Popty 2015 is the first of its kind in west Wales, the first in Wales for many years too. It was inspired by the Triangle Network model devised by Sir Anthony Caro in the 1980s.
Please visit for details of the participating artists, and to sign up for news.
It is going to be a lifechanging event for the artists and very exciting for all of us. Event is free. All welcome, hope to see you there!