
Artists’ Film: Gerard Ortín Castellví, Agrilogistics

25 May 2022

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Nottingham Contemporary

Nottingham, United Kingdom


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  • Any bus to Nottingham City Centre
  • Lace Market Tram Stop
  • Nottingham Station
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Join us for the UK premiere of Agrilogistics (2021), a film that looks at recent technological transformations in contemporary industrial agriculture, followed by a conversation with the artist, filmmaker and researcher Gerard Ortín Castellví and scholar Dimitris Papadopoulos.


Tulip bulbs, chrysanthemum stems and vine tomatoes are processed through cameras, feeding datasets that regulate their own growth. During the day, the greenhouse is a cinematic device, an automated film set optimized for the mass production of fruits and flowers. At night, the factory stops: without an inside or an outside, the greenhouse becomes an oneiric chamber where plants, animals and machines form new entanglements, unexpected life moves in and takes control.

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