
Artist’s Choice | Tomboy | Introduced By Agnieszka Blonska

17 Nov 2022

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Admission £12.50, including a two-course CAST Café supper

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  • Helston
  • Redruth Station
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Artist Choice Screen­ing of Tomboy cho­sen by Agniesz­ka Blonksa


Tomboy (2011) is a tender and honest exploration of gender identity and childhood made by the award-winning writer and film director Céline Sciamma. The film follows a gender non-conforming child, Laure, as they move to a new neighbourhood and adopt the identity of Mickäel amongst their new friends. Sciamma is best known for her films Portrait of a Lady on Fire and My Life as a Courgette.

The film has been chosen by Cornwall-based theatre director and performer Agnieszka Blonksa, who has recently directed a production inspired by Virginia Wollf’s Orlando at Theatre Powszechny in Warsaw. She works in both Poland and the UK and is an Associate Artist at Hall for Cornwall and a Senior Lecturer at Falmouth University.

Admission £12.50, including a two-course CAST Café supper from 6pm
Booking essential

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