
Artist’s Choice | Shadows In Paradise | Introduced By Passman

23 Mar 2023

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Admission £12.50, including CAST Café supper from 6pm

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Travel Information

  • Helston
  • Redruth Station
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Shadows in Paradise is the first film in Kaurismäki’s ‘Proletariat Trilogy’, which follows the lives of three working-class people in his native Finland with detached yet disarming amusement


 Nikkander, a lonely garbageman, finds himself directionless after losing his best friend and co-worker to a sudden heart attack. Unlikely redemption comes in the form of plain supermarket cashier Ilona, with whom he begins a tentative love affair. The film is essentially a romantic comedy, honed down to a series of spare and beautiful gestures. 

The film has been selected by Passman, one half of the rap-duo Hedluv + Passman, formed in Redruth and renowned across Cornwall for their Casio keyboard beats and witty takes on contemporary Cornish life.

Admission £12.50, including CAST Café supper from 6pm 

Booking essential

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