
Artist Talk with Gemma Anderson-Tempini and Mark Blacklock

21 Oct 2023

Regular hours

Sat, 21 Oct
14:00 – 15:00

Free admission

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Burton Grange

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Join artist Gemma Anderson-Tempini in conversation with novelist and cultural historian Mark Blacklock.


Join us for a discussion between artist Gemma Anderson-Tempini and Mark Blacklock, novelist cultural historian and contributor to the exhibition And She Built a Crooked House. The conversation will expand on the artist's practice and the themes of her exhibition, including the fourth spatial dimension, the artist's experience of motherhood, and links to theosophy. The event will be chaired by Mariam Zulfiqar, Director of Artangel.

This event is free but booking is essential. After the talk, you will be able to explore the exhibition. If you'd like to arrive earlier to see the exhibition, please book a separate ticket via this link.

About the exhibition

And She Built a Crooked House by Gemma Anderson-Tempini fills the rooms and garden at Burton Grange, a Victorian house in Far Headingley, Leeds. With this multifaceted installation, the artist takes audiences on a journey through the fourth spatial dimension that is part-factual, part-historical and part-autobiographical.

Find out more about the exhibition here.

About Gemma Anderson-Tempini

Born in 1981 in Belfast, Gemma Anderson-Tempini graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2007. She completed a practice-based PhD studentship at the University of the Arts London and University College Falmouth in 2015 and has been a Leverhulme Trust Artist in Residence at Imperial College London. In 2016 she won an AHRC award for the art/science/philosophy project 'Representing Biology as Process' with philosopher John Dupre and cell biologist James Wakefield (2017-2021) at the University of Exeter. She has published two peer review books with Intellect Press 'Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science' (2017) and 'Drawing Processes of Life' (2023).

About Mark Blacklock

Dr Mark Blacklock is a writer, researcher and journalist, author of the cultural history The Emergence of the Fourth Dimension (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2018) and the novel Hinton (Granta: London, 2020), a re-imagination from documents of the lives of Charles Howard Hinton and his family. His edited collection of the nonfiction of J.G. Ballard was recently published by MIT Press.

And She Built a Crooked House is commissioned by Artangel and LEEDS 2023.

With thanks to Pickard Properties.

Artangel is generously supported using public funding by Arts Council England, and by the private patronage of The Artangel International Circle, Guardian Angels, Special Angels, and The Company of Angels.


Mariam Zulfiqar

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Gemma Anderson-Tempini

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