Artist Talk: Mary Evans
12 Mar 2020
Regular hours
- Thu, 12 Mar
- 18:00 – 19:00
- University of Bath
- Claverton Down
- Bath
England - BA2 7AY
- United Kingdom
Artist Mary Evans is joined in conversation with curator Will Cooper to discuss her new commission for Mariner: a painted ship upon a painted ocean.
Artist Mary Evans is joined in conversation with Will Cooper, Curator of Contemporary Programmes & Special Projects at The Edge and Holburne Museum, Bath to discuss her new commission for Mariner: a painted ship upon a painted ocean.
Evans seeks to explore the historical material culture of each touring location, looking specifically at the hidden, or sometimes forgotten stories concerning the writing of history and the accumulation of wealth and cultural assets.
In the context of Bath, Evans has responded to a line from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: “The souls did from their bodies fly”. As part of the commission, Evans explored The Holburne Museum and became particularly interested in the collection of silhouette drawings, with the completed artwork referencing a gold framed silhouette found within The Holburne Museum.