Strange Relations by Carys Reilly and Simon Le Boggit
09 Oct 2021 – 28 Nov 2021
Brighton, United Kingdom
In this illustrated talk, artist Carys Reilly will present a selection of works followed by a Q&A hosted by Cornelia Marland from Outside In. She uses her practice to critique social narratives of gender, disability and mental health from an intersectional perspective.
In this illustrated talk, artist Carys Reilly will present a selection of works followed by Q&A hosted by Cornelia Marland, Exhibitions Programme Manager, Outside In. This talk is BSL sign interpreted.
Carys's work is shaped by her lived experience of chronic illness and neurodiversity. She uses her practice to critique social narratives of gender, disability and mental health from an intersectional perspective. The sculptures selected for exhibition both reference and give visual form to her treatment for endometriosis.
“After my surgery in 2019 I felt compelled to make work as a means of processing what I went through. Also, whilst I was reading the pathology report I was struck by how miniscule the amounts of tissue were that were removed during my surgery considering and the widespread impact my endometriosis had on my body”.
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