Artist Talk - Bethan Jayne
15 Apr 2021
Regular hours
- Thu, 15 Apr
- 19:00 – 20:00
Timezone: Europe/London
- Language: English
- Join the event
Social Artist and Round Lemon co-founder, Bethan Jayne talks about their practice and why the need to collaborate with others is an essential part of their work.
Bethan Jayne is a West Midlands based multi-media artist. As an artist, she does not like to limit herself to one material or subject matter due to the fact that she gets bored easily and likes to take herself on various journeys. Taking ideas of gender and self as my basis for many of her works, her projects have spanned through politics, ancestry, communities and childhood. They have all aided in exploring herself and her relationship to the world. Even though she sometimes tackle difficult themes, she always want my work to have elements of fun and playfulness. This often comes from her love of comedy, particularly the surreal and the absurd. She is not afraid to present herself in a humorous way, whether it be dressing up as a 19th century man or taking on the guise of a fictional character.
She often feels the need to collaborate with others. Whether it be through the collaborative art collective Round Lemon or various workshops, creating a community of people who enjoy making art is something which can be both exciting and educational, especially when working with children.
This talk will take place on ZOOM and will include a Q and A with the artist.