
Artist Peer Group

18 Mar 2024

Regular hours

Mon, 18 Mar
18:30 – 20:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Join us for our March online artist peer group!


Established in 2015 our artist peer groups are an opportunity for artists exploring health and wellbeing in their practice to gain feedback and support on their projects, ideas or challenges that they are facing. The space is for active feedback, meaning that artists aren’t sharing finished works, but asking for specific support from others attending the session. Together we pool resources and provide feedback in a supportive environment.

Our presenting artists are Sophie Sherwood and Tuty Moreno Campos. Read on for more information about both artists work.

About Sophie Sherwood

Sophie Sherwood (she/they), is a process based visual artist and creative workshop facilitator based in Bristol. They explore the self and nature through light sensitive materials and alternative darkroom techniques. Their work has connections with spirituality and the exploration of what this means through making work in collaboration with nature by exploring different ways of creating images using natural resources, inside and outside of the darkroom. Currently they are working on self portraits using eco developers, animation, and stained glass.

About Sophie’s project:

A little while ago I was making a print in the darkroom using a slow process which meant I had to wait 3 minutes for the image to appear. I decided to do some yoga in the meantime, and whilst in forward fold it dawned on me how much the darkroom has helped my well-being and recovery in the last 15 years. I went home and started writing about my journey from being afraid of the dark (and darkroom), to being so comfortable in the dark I can find my way around a space without turning the light on at all. As I was writing I found metaphorical parallels between darkroom processes and recovery tools. I started to wonder if anyone else had had this experience, or if they'd ever been given the chance to think about it. What I want to do next is bring in other darkroom users, but I need help from the creative community to figure out what form this could take.

About Tuty Moreno Campos

Tuty is an Argentinian visual artist and performer. Her work emerges from the confluence of her family's history and the body's dialogue with illness. Delving into this intersection, she explores how contextual influences and the impact of digital tools can produce varied states and effects into our bodies. With performance as her main discipline she seeks to respond, to feel the body, to avoid its collapse. Utilizing a multi-medium approach involving sound, video, photography, animation of her digital body and live performance, her art aims to create, deconstruct, and reconstruct. This ongoing process acts as a tool for empowerment and transition.

Tuty currently lives between Buenos Aires and Mexico City.

I have been exploring performance art for several years as a means of raising consciousness into the importance of being aware of your own body and exploring its sensations and responses. This journey has led me to examine how different environments and digital platforms influence our perception of presence and embodiment. Initially, I began with video and photo performances as a way to capture intimate moments and reflections on my bodily experiences. This medium allowed me the flexibility to create in diverse environments and on my own schedule and be able to share it. Also as an immigrant, a substantial portion of my social interactions transpire on-line while I feel the need for in-person activities, so I am particularly interested in exploring the intersection of physical and digital spaces.

What to expect? Toggle

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Tuty Moreno Campos

Sophie Sherwood


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