Arthur Poujois . Us at the end of the world
2 Dec 2023 – 7 Dec 2023
Regular hours
- Monday
- 09:30 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 09:30 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 09:30 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 09:30 – 18:00
Free admission
- 792 High Road
- Tottenham
- London
England - N17 0DH
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- White Hart Lane Station
'us at the end of the world', a solo exhibition by Arthur Poujois is centered around a series of photographic works, drawings and sculptures that invite the viewer to the artist’s world, a world built from ruins where magic rules logic.
Referencing Anna Tsing’s book “The mushroom at the end of the world”, which entails the story of the matsutake, a mushroom which grows in our capitalist ruins, where forests fail, at the end of the world; Poujois draws a geography of energy, questioning the very meaning of mankind’s modern dream and survival.
The artist imagines a puzzled reality, taking his own broken fragmented identity as a starting point to propose a new semiotic, using fiction and spirituality as a means of productivity. Poujois takes inspiration from the natural world as well as the survival tactics he adopted facing his neurodivergence: mimicking, copying, conforming, learning, adapting, and self-erasing to create multiple layered assemblages that reflect an imagined world driven by emergence.