ArtExpo May Barcelona
30 Apr 2016 – 14 May 2016
Event times
open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- carrer dels Canvis Nous Nº1
- Barcelona
Catalonia - 08003
- Spain
It opens Saturday, April 30th at 6 p.m. the International Art Exhibition in Barcelona (Spain)
at Espai Ku Art Gallery in the historical centre of city in
carrer dels Canvis Nous Nº1, Bajos - Barrio de Borne, Barcelona http://espaiku.blogspot.it/p/about.html .
The curator of the exhibition is Isabel Capdevila Sabanés (Ada Art Gallery).
Will exhibit the artworks of 59 artists from over 22 different countries:
Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; China; South Korea; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Germany; Japan; Iran; Italy; Namibia; Poland; United Kingdom; Romania; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan; Turkey.
All these different origins, testify to the global nature of the event, which aims to unite artists from different cultures in the name of the same universal language of art.
During the vernissage there will be a performance of Japanese traditional painting by artist Chisato Kuroki.
There will be the Manuel López music during the private view.
The event photographer is Ferney
The opening period of the exhibition is from April 30 to May 14, 2016
the art gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Event organization Artists in the World Angelo Ribezzi www.artintheworld.net email news@artintheworld.net
Artists for ArtExpo May Barcelona:
Accigliaro Valter - Atzeni Sarah - Boussin Aurélien - Burkhard Bierschenck "BPB" - Buzzi Paolo - Christine Cézanne-Thauss - Cucinotta Anna - De Gregorio Francesca - Deplano Franca - Di Paola Assunta "Tina Di Paola" - Dmytruk Halyna "Alina" - D'Onofrio Alexia - Esposito Angela "Alessiacom" - Fealizadeh Antonia - Fu Wenjun - Gagnan Marie-Noëlle - Gedl Andrea - Grassi Paolo - Guardabassi Mirco - Guarnieri Roberto - Habiballahian Faraz - Hammar Sirpa - Hirschmair Renate "Renatevonstein" - Hong Soojin - Huang Mu-Lang "Zero" - Ilcheva Krasimira "KrasiArt" - Ishiga Naoyuki - Jacobs Astrid - Karim Timur - Labate Giuseppe - Lacko Gabor and Spero Patricia "Gabor and Patricia" - Layr Christa - Line Bonnef - Lo Piano Sabrina - Loconsole Francesca "Missi Queen" - Maesano Maria Luisa "mlm (Marluli-my)" - Mannini Guido - Mars Ninah - Maso Barbara "Barbara Masof junior" - Millan Martinez David "Visual TC Photography" - Mitrofan Crenguta - Monique De Rae - Moretto Marta - Morganti Giordano - Nyrén Kristina - Olivier Schlund "Vier Und" - Papaioannou Alexandre - Preti Davide "DavidBart" - Rigamonti Francesca - Sandra Tuet - Selishchev Mikhail - Sempreboni Alessandra - Seyoum Zerihun - Snyman Chris - Surdu Stanescu Elena - Suzanne Weil - Tokoglu Ersan - Tripodi Rita - Yveline Amphyon Rakowski "Koki"