ARTEOLOGIA | Ethics Art in dialogue between the past and the future
24 May 2018 – 12 Sep 2018
Event times
10.00 to 19.00 every day
Cost of entry
€ 20,00 - € 13,00 reduced
The tickets allow you to visit the Doge's Palace, the Correr Museum, the Archaeological Museum and the Biblioteca Marciana (The National Library of St Mark's).
Archeological Museum of Venice
- Piazza san Marco, 17/52
- Venice
Veneto - 30121
- Italy
The Arteologia project conceived by ARTantide.com Gallery is realized as a series of site-specific installations for the Archaeological Museum of Venice, also partner organization. On May 24th, the exhibition will be launched that will allow the public to see works with a high ethical and social value of great contemporary artists located in a wonderful location in the heart of the Marciana area. An amplifier that will allow a global reverberation of the Movement of Ethical Art , to which the artists and the organizers belong. The idea of the Curator Sandro Orlandi Stagl is to interpret the space of the Archaeological Museum respecting the findings of the permanent collection and in dialogue with them, promoting works of art with a strong social responsibility. In this context, the National Archaeological Museum of Venice, has given its full availability to the realization of this event, which combines the awareness of ethics with the classical culture that has been the basis of this ethics itself . Specifically, the challenging theme for each artist participating in the Arteologia exhibition was to create works of art that could become significant suggestions for future archaeologists.
Honour Guest Michelangelo Pistoletto, worldwide artist recognized for the quality of his work and his social commitment; 13 artists of the Movement of Ethics: Marco Bertin, Carlo Bonfà, Julia Bornefeld, Luigi Dellatorre, Gianfranco Gentile, Marco Gradi, Franco Mazzucchelli, Matteo Mezzadri, Marica Moro, Jorge R. Pombo, Sarah Revoltella, Alberto Salvetti, Alessandro Zannier. Special Guest Patrizia Dalla Valle.
Ethics is an increasingly widespread common feeling that calls for a remodeling of action in the various social and political spheres, paying attention to dignity, equality and solidarity and to logics not merely based on interests economic. If, therefore, progress coincides with the acceleration of its diffusion, at the same time the request for sustainability is propagated and, in this regard, Art can and must play an irreplaceable function, thanks to its strong power of aggregation and of communication. The participating artists, in line with their role and sensitivity, will present the Manifesto Etico dedicated to a theme designed to achieve a possible social transformation and represented by the work or installation created in the most open way possible for dialogue and comparison with the various sectors active in society, as well as with the art world. Social Responsibility is to carefully consider the value of the actions performed, in work and in daily life, a process of individual and collective growth that has an important moment "in making art". Art, involving the senses, imagination and reason, exerts its strong communicative and engaging power and is able to effectively convey new ideas and new visions.
Artists are possible models of reference that arouse the interest of the public towards crucial issues of our daily life and suggest, with their works, original ways of change. This "revolutionary function" has always been a militant and not unrealistic task of artistic avant-gardes and it is in this way that the international authors who participate in Artology want to ask themselves. "This exhibition" - as Paolo Mozzo, Project manager, supports - has the task of believing and sharing the idea that we can change the world and improve the planet with art and culture ".
During the inauguration the artist Alessandro Zannier will perform a sonic performance, taken from the "micrΩmega" project.The exhibition includes visuals between physics, biology, geology and astrophysics, projected onto a large sphere, which has become a symbol of the performances of Ottodix, the pseudonym of Zannier in the music industry, considered one of the cult projects of the Italian electro wave scene.
Below is the link to press kit and images:
http://www.fg-comunicazione.it/area_stampa/ .
In collaborazione con: Cà Foscari Sostenibile
Project Manager: Paolo Mozzo
Catalogo: Maretti Editore