
Art Talk: Realism From Europe to America

11 Nov 2022

Regular hours

Fri, 11 Nov
18:00 – 21:00

Cost of entry

$20 to $35

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San Diego French American School

San Diego
California, United States

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Alliance Francaise de San Diego is proud to partner with San Diego French American School to launch ART TALK: a new series of seasonal lectures in English followed by conversations and refreshments .


 November 11- ART TALK on the realism movement: from its European birth to its American evolution by Laurence de Valmy, artist and art historian. 

This presentation will discuss the significant movements in art history of the 19th and 20th centuries and the cross-influences among artists over the decades and continents. 

6PM: lecture 

7PM: discussions, drinks, and appetizers.

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