
Art Over Time

10 Jul 2021 – 15 Aug 2021

Regular hours

13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00

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  • B61 to Van Brunt St.
  • F or G train to Smith/9th St. station, then bus
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Art Over Time, is a national juried exhibition that celebrates the work and the creative journeys of 70 artists over the age of 65.


“Art is something you never retire from doing,” says Sandra Forrest, co-curator of Art Over Time, a national juried exhibition at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC) Gallery in Red Hook, Brooklyn, from July 10 to Aug. 15, 2021. The show celebrates the work and the creative journeys of 70 artists over the age of 65.

Charlotta Kotik, a former head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Brooklyn Museum and current independent curator for galleries, alternative spaces and museums, served as the exhibition’s juror. The pieces on view are complemented by written narratives and examples of the artists’ earlier works. Together, they provide a fuller picture of both the artists’ lived experience and the evolution of their creative process.

“After a year in isolation, and contemplating the challenges and personal tragedies we all experienced, we at BWAC felt it was high time to celebrate the perseverance and longevity of people making great art well into their senior years,” says Susan Handwerker, co-president of BWAC and co-curator of Art Over Time.

In addition to the juried exhibit, BWAC is hosting a mini-retrospective of the work of 93-year-old Park Slope artist Bernette Rudolph, who works primarily in wood. “Rudolph achieves volumes of depth through the layering of cut wood so shapely and fluid that they imbue her wood wall sculptures with a sense of implied space fully imposing and sensual as that of free-standing sculpture,” writes Ed McCormack of the arts journal Gallery and Studio.


Sandra Forrest

Susan Handwerker

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Bernette Rudolph


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