
Art+ Joseph Beuys: Artist of the Gallery

18 Nov 2021

Regular hours

Thu, 18 Nov
18:00 – 19:00

Cost of entry

Price: € 9 / Reduced: € 6

Admission tickets can be purchased at the ticket shop or at the cash desk.

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René Block opened his gallery in New York in 1974 with Beuys’ legendary performance "I like America and America likes Me".


René Block opened his gallery in New York in 1974 with Beuys’ legendary performance "I like America and America likes Me". Block accompanied the artist for a total of fifteen years as a gallerist and published iconic editions such as the sled or the felt suit. At the PalaisPopulaire, under the title “From Berlin: News from the Coyote,” René Block talks about the actions he carried out in Berlin and New York together with Beuys between 1964 and 1979.

There is limited seating for the analog event.


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