
Art in the Garden

13 Aug 2021

Regular hours

Fri, 13 Aug
10:00 – 11:3012:00 – 13:3014:00 – 15:30

Cost of entry

Free, but ticketed

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Bring the whole family along and get playful with free nature-inspired activities in the beautiful gardens of Dulwich Picture Gallery.


Join Artist Cash Aspeek for these engaging workshops and get stuck into family creative activities exploring the senses, imagination and the natural world around you. Let your children lead the way as you all get inspired by our Unearthed: Photography's Roots exhibition, new art-making ideas, materials and possibilities.   

These activities are aimed at 7–12-year-olds and their families, but siblings and families of all ages are welcome. 

No experience is needed, just come along and join in! 

Part of our Family Festival: Inside Out 

Come along and join in our week-long of creative activities exploring our relationship with nature! Get creative, take part in workshops for families of different ages where you can explore creatures of the future, photography, music, storytelling and much more!  

Keeping everyone safe 

We are regularly keeping up to date with government guidelines and will contact all ticket holders before the event with our COVID-safety measures. We are currently asking visitors to wear a mask at all times (unless you have proof of exemption) and visit in household groups or bubbles. For children under 11, masks are optional. 

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