
Art Beyond The Canvas

15 Jun 2023

Regular hours

Thu, 15 Jun
18:00 – 20:00

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata

Free admission

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Hosted by: Avid Learning

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National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), Mumbai, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, and Avid Learning present Art Beyond the Canvas


From sculptures that invite touch to textiles that mesmerize, to photography that captures fleeting moments to installations that immerse us in new worlds, visual art embraces endless possibilities, cutting across conventional boundaries and captivating the hearts and minds of art lovers worldwide.
On the occasion of the ongoing Maharaja’s Treasure: Select works of art from the famed Air India collection–an exhibition at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, join us in a thought-provoking panel discussion where creative minds share their unique experiences and perspectives on the multifaceted nature of artistic expression. Delve into the fascinating language of art, as we explore the profound impact it has on our lives, transcending the constraints of time and space.
Step into the enchanting realm where art breaks the physical limitations of traditional mediums, embracing countless forms and igniting human imagination.

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