Online art auction for Das Gift and Fridays for Future feat. local & international artists
18 Nov 2020 – 12 Dec 2020
Open 24 hours online! Auction of donated artworks to support Das Gift, our exhibition space Das Giftraum and Fridays for Future. The auction is online at www.dasgiftraum.de and the space is open to the public to view works in person on Wednesday 25/11/20, 2/12/20 and 9/12/20 between 15-20 Uhr
This auction features work donated by critically acclaimed international artists, as well as local artists who have previously exhibited in our space. The exhibition is open on Wednesday afternoons between 15-20h, and bidding takes place online at www.dasgiftraum.de. The aucution closes on December 12th at 20h Berlin time.
We had originally planned the auction to take place in April 2020 to raise money for Fridays for Future. Sadly we had to cancel that auction due to the Coronavirus lockdown. Under the current circumstances we find ourselves also in need of support, so we have decided to proceed with the auction, now forwarding 25% of proceeds to Fridays for Future immediately on receipt of money. The rest will be kept in a fund to support Das Gift and Das Giftraum through Coronavirus. This will help us to continue providing local artists with Das Giftraum as a free space to use, and to support local musicians and all of our lovely regulars with Das Gift. When we feel that we are safely through, all unused funds will be donated to FfF in support of their brilliant and much needed work on the climate emergency.
Artists: Philipp Ackermann, Rosa Barba, Phil Collins, Chris Dennis, Lucy Dyson, Molly Dyson, Veronica Garcia-Montero, Alexander Gehring, Martyn Goodacre, Douglas Gordon, Stephanie Hamer, Miranda Holmes, Thomas Judisch, Ute Klein, Ivana Kličković, Karla Marchesi, Daniela Milosevic, Alice Morey, Isaac Moss, Molly Nilsson, Christian Perdix, Myriam Perrot, Susan Philipsz, Alana Richards, Julia Schiller, Valerie Schmidt, Oliver Schneider, Michael Tan, Louise Thomas, Pádraig Timoney
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