ARCADIA_MISSA in residence at Banner Repeater
30 Jan 2013 – 9 Apr 2013
Event times
- Banner Repeater, platform 1, Hackney Downs Station
- Dalston Lane
- London
- E8 1LA
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Buses: 56 and 30 stop outside, 106,38,55,242,243,176,48 stop 1 min round corner on Amhurst road
- National Express from Liverpool street to Hackney Downs, Hackney Central is a quick 2 min walk round the corner
ARCADIA_MISSA in residence at Banner Repeater
Using Banner Repeater as a site of production for a public editorial process, Arcadia Missa have invited writers Hannah Black and William Kherbek to collectively re-write and co-dismantle the recent working text: UN-PUBLISH 2.03:Revolutionising Desire: A Reclamation of Representation for its Affective Potential.
The residency will open with a reading group serving to introduce the working text:
UN-PUBLISH 2.03: Revolutionizing Desire: A Reclamation of Representation for its Affective Potential, by Arcadia_Missa published in November 2012 by Banner Repeater (first distributed at State and Lore)
We will have read:
To Have Done With The Massacre of the Body, Felix Guattari, 1973
Considering Guattari's text within the current context of Tiqqun's 'Young-Girl' and Jodi Dean's critique of communicative capitalism, we hope to discuss and develop Guattari's concepts of 'the body' in relation to formulating an affective on-line labour,
The text was an important source for Arcadia Missa and will serve as an introduction to further investigate the text over the coming months.
Copies will be available to take away for free of the recently published:
UN-PUBLISH 2.03: Revolutionizing Desire: A Reclamation of Representation for its Affective Potential
Published by Banner Repeater, 2012.
ISSN 2050-795X
Revolutionizing Desire: A Reclamation of Representation for its Affective Potential is a text on Representation after the internet. Asking if it is possible for us to exist within communicative capitalism and engage in a language of representation that maintains (or re-finds) authentic subjectivity within a framework of constant information, or is representation simply a site for self-consumption?
It was produced as a working text by Arcadia_Missa to form the basis for a series of discussions and events at Banner Repeater, accommodating a public editorial process that will dis-assemble the working text, and collectively arrive at a new text for publication.
Using Banner Repeater as a site of production during the residency period, both the working text and reference material will serve as points of entry to begin to work towards an experimental re-drafting of the text to be published in April.
Printing on-site drafts as they come about, as well as other supplementary material, the project space will house the working developments of the text, screening the on-line working document as well as documentation of other visual material produced during the public editorial process.
Throughout the residency Arcadia_Missa will be in discussion with invited guests Hannah Black and William Kherbek.
The project space will be utilised as a site for the public editorial process on the 8th February and the 8th, 15th and 22nd March, during which times, all are welcome to visit to ask questions and/or posit ideas to the group.
The public launch of the second version of the text will be on Wednesday the 10th of April featuring talks from Arcadia_Missa, William Kherbek and Hannah Black, sited amongst material produced during the residency period.
You can find out more about the serial Banner Repeater publication: UN-PUBLISH here.