From the Professional Development Sculpture Course 2012 @ Kensington and Chelsea college, we welcome you to:
ANTICIPATION - Sculpture Exhibition
Something has been rumbling in the Park Walk Sculpture Studios.
Over the winter, scores of hands have been at work - carving, chiselling, gluing, hammering, casting, kneading, tearing, tying, riveting, throwing plaster, paint and a range of materials.
The collective result will be presented with ANTICIPATION
Opening on the 23 Feb (All welcome) - 6pm - 8.30 pm
Show commences - 23 February 2 March,
Monday Thursday, 9 am 9 pm, Fri, 9-5 pm
This Sculpture course mid-year show aims to enliven curiosity and dialogue through themes and materials as varied as the sculptors in their life perspectives and cultural influences.
Ideas, questions, experiences, propositions and relationships from personal, environmental, societal and beyond will be explored through sculpture, assemblage, sensory stimulus and installation.
You may find this exhibition worth the anticipation.
Beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
- Rumi, 12th c
For more information, contact:
Kensington and Chelsea College
Tel: 020 7573 3600
Email: enquiries@kcc.com