
Anne Muntges: The Glowing Desert

23 Jan 2021 – 21 Mar 2021

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

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Fou Gallery

New York
New York, United States


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Anne Muntges works with a wide range of media, including highly detailed drawings, prints, and installation. During the exhibition, the space of Fou Gallery will be turned into a desert botanical garden by her elaborately drawn objects.


NEW YORK – Fou Gallery is delighted to announce our first show in 2021—Anne Muntges: The Glowing Desert. This solo exhibition of Anne Muntges will be on view from January 23nd to March 21st. Muntges works with a wide range of media, including highly detailed drawings, prints, and installation. During the exhibition, the space of Fou Gallery will be turned into a desert botanical garden by her elaborately drawn objects. 


“Nothing is real until you experience it,” says Muntges. Her drawing, which consists of tremendous details with countless lines, is a critical key for her to understand the world. In her drawings, sculptures and installations, she recreates portions of the environments she inhabits by collecting the pieces of her daily encounters. Nothing she sees becomes real until it has been explored by the lines from her pen; everything she encounters becomes tessellated with her handmade marks. Her obsessive process of drawing lines blends sensations between two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds. Each object used in her works is primed white to create a new blank palette for black drawn lines composed of acrylic paint. The final works create an interactive black and white world that functions as a living and breathing drawing. Through every stroke in drawing, Muntges senses and captures the existence of things. She perceives the hidden context of the environment and people behind every artifact or manhandled objects through her repetitive behavior of drawing every line—they are traces left by her perceptual experience and unceasing contemplation. As her creations accumulate, lines sprawl from drawings to larger spaces, further compose a patterned world over time.


The Glowing Desert includes a series of works from Muntges’s experience in the Roswell Artist-in-Residence project in New Mexico in 2019, into which she incorporated facets of local aspects. The area of Roswell has an arid or semiarid continental climate characterized by light precipitation totals, abundant sunshine and low relative humidities. Located in the ecoregion of Chihuahuan Desert, the largest desert in North America, the landscape there appears rough terrain and sparse vegetation, and nurtures typical hardy desert plants like cacti and succulents. In Muntges’s works, the drawn lines encasing each cactus, blade of grass, and rock she witnessed and touched weave up a tangible world to feel, smell and move through. This immersive drawing environment becomes a new reality. It challenges one’s sense of familiarity with each of the pieces and invites one to experience it anew. 


Materially, each part of the installations in The Glowing Desert is an artificial replication of its counterpart: Cacti made of foam, plants made of silk, paper and metal, rocks cast in paper-machè, and ground made of dyed black sand. The drawn lines encapsulate Muntges’s observation by flattening the time and space of the temporal context with a unified language. Thus, the space constituted by the objects becomes monumental by freezing momentary beings and highlighting the obsessiveness of perceiving. 


The Glowing Desert uses drawn lines to recharacterize objects and to provide an alternative interpretation of them other than the daily experience. It challenges the audiences to perceive the familiar objects under another language in an unfamiliar way. “I think, what I do is very observational work in different ways, even though the bodies of work don’t seem often related. It’s how I understand and where I exist. It is an ever-shifting thing, the things we own are in a constant rotation,” Muntges said.

纽约 – 否画廊荣幸地宣布,2021年的首个展览《安妮·蒙格斯:闪光沙漠》将于1月23日至3月21日举行。 蒙格斯的作品形式十分广泛,包括充满细节的纸上绘画,印刷品以及装置艺术。在此次展览期间,她精心绘制的作品将把否画廊的空间变为一座沙漠植物园。


蒙格斯说过:“只有亲身体验过,事物才会变为真实。” 她所创作的由无数线条组成大量细节的绘画,是她了解世界的重要方式。在她的绘画、雕塑和装置艺术中,她收集日常际遇的碎片,并重新​​创造她所居住环境的一些部分。只有通过一笔笔探索,她所看到的一切才成为真实;她遇见的一切事物都在她的手工标记之下图案化。她执迷于绘制线条,而这个过程模糊了二维与三维世界之间感知的界限。她将日常使用物品涂上白色底漆,创建出一个全新的空白色板,再用丙烯酸颜料绘制黑色线条,最终创建出一个沉浸式性的黑白世界,成为生活着和呼吸着的绘画。通过绘画中的每一个笔触,蒙格斯感知并捕捉到了事物的存在。她通过重复画每一条线的行为,感知到每一件器物或手工制品背后所隐藏的环境和人文背景——这些都是她的感性觉察以及理性思考所留下的痕迹。随着她作品的积累,线条从图纸蔓延到更大的空间,并逐步构成一个充满图案的世界。






《闪光沙漠》通过密集的线条重现了物体的特征,并提供了除日常体验以外的另类解释。它引导观众以一种陌生的方式,用另一种语境去感知熟悉的物体。 “我认为,尽管作品内容之间并没有一直产生联系,但我持续以非常不同的方式进行着观察性工作。这是我对万物的理解方式,也是我的存在方式。世间万物恒常变化,我们拥有的事物也总是在不断地旋转。” 蒙格斯如此陈述。


ARTIST - ANNE MUNTGES (b. 1982, Denver, Colorado)


Graduated from Kansas City Art Institute (B.F.A.) in Printmaking in 2005 and the University at Buffalo (M.F.A.) in Printmaking in 2008. Based in Brooklyn, she works with a wide range of media, including highly detailed drawings, prints, and installation. She has been exhibited at the Children’s Museum of Arts, New York (2017), the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago (2010), the Burchfield Penney Art Center in Buffalo, New York (2018), and many other spaces nationally. Most recently her work has been growing in the studio where she is a resident with the Monira Foundation at Mana Contemporary in Jersey City, New Jersey (2020).




After graduating from Architectural Association (London), Hai gained her Master’s in Design Studies from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (Boston). She is active as a curator and art writer in New York, also a partner and the Art Director of Fou Gallery. Her curation and design includes: Chen Dongfan: Long Past Dawn, Pirates and Poets Whistle in the Dark (Fou Gallery, New York, 2020); Michael Eade: Past is Present is Future (Fou Gallery, New York, 2019); Dwelling At the Present Chinese Contemporary Interior Design Exhibition and Forum (Harvard Club, New York, 2019); Flow Fields - Confluence in Urban Picnic (Matedero, Madrid, 2013) and Flow Fields - Dilution in 2013 Lisbon Triennale (Sinel de Cordes Palace, Lisbon, 2013) et al. Her writings are published on art periodicals including ArtChina, CAFA Artinfo, Tussle Magazine and ArtPulse et al.

艺术家 - 安妮·蒙格斯(b. 1982,丹佛,科罗拉多州)




策展人 - 海良


毕业于英国建筑联盟学院,后在哈佛大学设计学院艺术、设计与公共空间专业取得设计学硕士学位。现为活跃在纽约地区的策展人、艺术撰稿人,为否画廊合伙人及艺术总监。策展及设计经历包括陈栋帆个展《漫长的黎明,海盗与诗人在黑暗中吹口哨》(否画廊,2020),迈克尔·伊德个展《刹那》(否画廊,2019),哈佛俱乐部《居于当代》设计展与交流会(哈佛俱乐部,纽约,2019),马德里城市野餐《流动场域·汇聚》(马特德罗艺术中心,西班牙马德里,2013),里斯本建筑三年展之《流动场域·散灭》(Sinel de CordesPalace, 葡萄牙里斯本,2013)等。作为艺术撰稿人,为《艺术中国》、《CAFA Artinfo》、《Tussle Magazine》、《ArtPulse》等艺术期刊供稿。



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