An Open Table
19 Jul 2022
Regular hours
- Tue, 19 Jul
- 18:30 – 20:30
Cost of entry
£2 or free for Castlefield Gallery Associate and anyone on a low-income
- 2 Hewitt Street
- Knott Mill
- Manchester
- M15 4GB
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- No.2 Metroshuttle Bus
- Metrolink Tram: Deansgate/Castlefield
- Deansgate Train Station
July sees the first in our series of Open Table events; evenings of conversation responding to Castlefield Galley’s exhibition programme and in partnership with Corridor8.
July sees the first in our series of Open Table events. Open Tables are evenings of conversation responding to Castlefield Galley’s exhibition programme.
In partnership with Corridor8, the journal for contemporary art and writing in the North, we have launched a busary for Castlefield Gallery Associate Members to respond to our exhibitions. Selected from an open call, Associate Member Bryony Dawson will develop a text based response to the current PIVOT exhibition alongside invited writer/curator Elysia Lukoszevieze.
The responses will be shared in an evening event that explores the themes, references and approaches to the works in the exhibition. Following the evening both responses will be published in Corridor8, marking the start of a two year collaboration with the journal.
To book a ticket please visit eventbite