
AMALGAMA ART - Opposing Fictions: Women Provoking Fact & Fabrication

22 Jun 2022 – 3 Jul 2022

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 20:00
10:00 – 20:00
11:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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An exhibition of Women Artists from Latin America whose work challenges our understanding of the imaginary in an age of factual uncertainty.


Curated by Daniela Galan, the show features artists Ana Isabel Diez (Colombia), Andrea Alkalay (Argentina), Camila Villalobos (Mexico), Dania Gonzalez (Cuba), Juliana Rios (Colombia), Mari Claudia Garcia (Cuba) & Matilde Amigo (Chile). 

Commonly, we tend to understand fact and fiction as opposing concepts, identifying the first as an objective and static reality, and the latter as an invention, a product of our imagination and our subjective mind. However, as we increasingly face evolving concepts, such as post-truth, alternative facts and fake news, promoted and disseminated by an increasingly connected global community, we are unavoidably having to question our own ability to create a clear distinction between the two. 

Using collage as both concept and medium, the captivating work of these seven women dismantles and reassembles the images and notions that were once considered to be unbiased. Political reportage, mass media, landscape, testimonies and even the human body, have been reframed as fiction derived from a specific creative process. Yet, despite seeming unnatural, observing them as fictitious exposes the narratives that have constructed them in the past, making room for other worlds outside our usual paradigms and creating new ways of understanding our reality. 

To attend the PV on 21 June, RSVP: artamalgama.com/event-info/PV-OpposingFictions

For full public programme: https://www.artamalgama.com/opposing-fictions

Instagram: @womenartistslatinamerica


Daniela Galan

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Andrea Alkalay

Ana Isabel Diez

Dania González

Mari Claudia García

Camila Villalobos

Juliana Rios

Matilde Amigo


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