Algorave Birmingham 2018
27 Oct 2018
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
£7.50 + booking fee
- 16 Minerva Works
- 158 Fazeley Street
- Birmingham
West Midlands - B5 5RS
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 4, 5, 6, 37, 37A, 27Y, 41 649, 560, 66Y 57, 57Y, 58, 58A, 60, X66
- New Street, Moor Street
To close the Mediafest Algorave returns to Vivid Projects for a night of live algorithmic techno and algorithmic visuals.
Featuring:Shelly Knotts, co34pt, Heavy Lifting, Coral, hellocatfood, Sian
Macfarlane, jack_mugglestone, Carol, Mike Dring, Echo Juliet
A Museums at Night 2018 event.
Algorave is a combination of "algorithms" and "rave", the opportunity
to dance to alien rhythms and freaky visuals, all created from code
before your eyes. The Algorave scene is fast-growing around the world
building on its fine roots in electronic music history.