
Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie

29 May 2012

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Free, fully booked but broadcast live online

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Nottingham Contemporary

Nottingham, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Any bus to Nottingham City Centre
  • Lace Market Tram Stop
  • Nottingham Station
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Bringing the political legacy of Gillray and eighteenth-century caricature up to the present day, renowned comics creators Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie will reflect upon the relationship between art, underground publishing and radical politics. Best known for his pioneering work on graphic novels like V for Vendetta, Watchmen, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Moore's work has consistently pushed the boundaries of various media and genres (including prose, performance art, poetry and music), questioning the assumptions that structure our relationship to our environment and to each other. A prominent artist in the underground comix scene, Gebbie has contributed to several politically and erotically charged titles, as well as her own solo book, Fresca Zizis. Frequent collaborators, Moore and Gebbie's most innovative and controversial work, Lost Girls, explores the multiple facets of human sexuality, making explicit the links between sexual freedom and artistic innovation, as well as between sexual repression and militaristic violence. Both have also been regular contributors to Moore's alternative magazine, Dodgem Logic, a project that inhabits the cultural space formerly occupied by, among others, Gillray's contemporaries, Thomas Paine and William Blake. Chaired by Matt Green, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham Nottingham Contemporary's public programme is jointly funded by Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham.


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