AJOYO | Creative Women of Colour
9 Jan 2020 – 12 Jan 2020
Regular hours
- Thu, 09 Jan
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Fri, 10 Jan
- 10:00 – 22:00
- Sat, 11 Jan
- 10:00 – 19:00
- Sun, 12 Jan
- 10:00 – 17:00
- 28 Deptford High Street
- London
England - SE8 4AF
- United Kingdom
ATA RODO London x Deptford does Art presents ‘AJOYO’, an exhibition showcasing the creative talents of women of colour.
ATA RODO is a platform which organises exhibitions showcasing the creative talent of women of colour. We create spaces that empowers women of colour by providing an exclusive platform for them to express themselves through the arts.
Across the world, female artists only make up approximately 30% of all art in commercial galleries. The number is even lower for female artists of colour. By creating ATA RODO, I aim to directly address the inequality and misrepresentation of women of colour in the creative industry - ATA RODO gives women of colour a platform to share their work, empowering them to break through barriers into the creative industry.
Societies flourish when all voices are heard. Our work has the power to cultivate discussion, challenge stigmas, and shape new ways of thinking – but the first step is getting that work out there. AJOYO is Yoruba for ‘celebration’ and for our first exhibition, we will be showcasing 13 artists with work pertaining to this theme. We will also celebrate women of colour comedians, poets and musicians with comedy performances on Friday 10th and spoken word, music and poetry on Saturday 11th. Collage artist and founder of art collective RIOT SOUP Asma Istwani will be holding a collage workshop on the afternoon of Saturday 11th (evetbrite tba soon).
Through ATA RODO, the creative talents of women of colour will be exclusively featured but can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. Let’s support women in the Arts!
Exhibition: 9th-12th January 2020
Open evening with comedy performances: Friday 10th - 7pm-10pm
Collage Workshop with Asma Istwani: Saturday 11th - 3pm - 5pm (£5 including drink)
An Evening of Spoken word, poetry and music: Saturday 11th - 5pm - 7pm
Featuring work from:
Afua Somuah Bediako - @afuasdrawingcorner
Alyssa-Victoria - @ally.riart
Asma Istwani - @asmaeatsart
BROWNCOFFEEMOKA - @browncoffeemoka
Camille Lesforis - @camillelalesforis
Dominique Nok - @dominiquenok
Ella Devidabysing – @elladabysing_art
LA Creativity - @la_creativity
Lisa Grand - @lisagrandland
Nada Fakhry Ismail - @nads.ismail
Natasha Muluswela - @npariss
Natasha Singh - @carshaltonyogashala
Shannon Scates - @unparalleledart
www.atarodolondon.com | instagram.com/atarodolondon