AIM: The iceman Painting Clearance Sale
7 Jul 2023 – 5 Aug 2023
Regular hours
- Friday
- 11:00 – 15:00
- Saturday
- 11:00 – 15:00
- Tuesday
- 11:00 – 15:00
- Wednesday
- 11:00 – 15:00
- Thursday
- 11:00 – 15:00
Free admission
- Guggleton Farm
- Station Road
- Sherborne
England - DT102RQ
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Templecombe
The Iceman Cometh...
With his props and a persistent vision, the Iceman (real name Anthony Irvine) played the most important venues in alternative comedy through the 1980s and '90s. He appeared on television, in a feature film, and on the radio, all with the singular mission of melting ice that, as some have pointed out, would have melted anyway.
Now, for the first time in ever, the artist, using the brush name 'aim' will be exhibiting works on paper, paintings all based on the Performance Art carried out by The Iceman. These paintings are therefore intimately informed by direct live experience of those Blocks, described by Simon Munnery as “Absurd beautiful art!!” Stewart Lee describes The Iceman as “a blank canvas. You project your own ideas onto him: fun, single-mindedness, commitment, a love of life and its inherent absurdity””.
Many of the paintings are based on photographs including Polaroids taken at live Block Melting events. Increasingly, the paintings are resulting from The Iceman’s own memory and interpretation of performance events.
Hopefully within this repetitive motif, there is still a variety of expression, even if the subject matter is obstinately consistent. But he feels there is something for everybody in this exhibition.
*Newly published “Melt It! The Book of The Iceman” will be on sale.
**Raffle tickets will be on sale in which visitors can predict how many sales will take place from zero to 1000. The winning prize is a free aim painting so one painting is guaranteed to be shifted, unless declined.....Aim will never be as good a businessman as Andy Warhol but is desirous to eject as many paintings as possible, for a modest price, into the wider world. The idea of a clearance sale is by no means a comment on the quality of the work, more a desire to share* art on a budgetable scale. aim’s studio is in a small damp garage,so he wants to get the paintings into safe houses before the snails get them first!
Anthony irvine will be in conversation with Dr Roshan Doug, former Birmingham poet laureate, and critic on the 7th of July at 7pm
At 7.30pm Robert Wringham [co-writer of Melt It!] will be presented with a painting by aim and will say a few words about The Iceman.