
Agata Madejska - Modified Limited Hangout

21 Oct 2018 – 6 Jan 2019

Cost of entry

3 €

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2018 marks the centenary of the 1918 Kiel mutiny, a revolt by German sailors that was initiated in Wilhelmshaven by the end of the First World War, triggering the November Revolution. As a consequence Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated and the Weimarer Republic was proclaimed. The first German democratic republic was characterized by conflict, power struggle and instability, eventually resulting in Hitler’s seizure of control and the Third Reich. It was also a time of radical change beyond political structures. Artists, architects and writers actively incorporated socialist ideas within the aesthetic discourse of expressionist movement.

        Hundred years later, in her first institutional solo show Modified Limited Hangout the London based artist Agata Madejska will be looking at individual’s positioning in society and its political systems. Amid growing concerns about current technologies, mass media communication, global political, economical and environmental crises questions arise whether there is need for a new artistic form of utopia such as i.e.in the Crystal Chain (Gläserne Kette), an exchange of letters initiated by Bruno Taut in 1918.


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