Africarmen - Tavaziva Dance
8 Apr 2017
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
Tickets £10, £8 concs & £6 UoB students
- University of Bath
- Claverton Down
- Bath
England - BA2 7AY
- United Kingdom
Africarmen - Tavaziva Dance
Through a synthesis of ballet, contemporary and African dance, Bawren Tavaziva’s interpretation of the Carmen story is strikingly powerful, sensual and beautifully performed by six stunning dancers. The specially commissioned original sound track is composed and arranged by Fayyaz Virji of the Warriors International.
Played out through the entanglement of desire, deceit and corruption in an African township where military corruption is rife, Carmen dangerously and defiantly ignores all warnings in the perusal of a better life but tragedy follows her like a shadow in hot sun.
Click for Africarmen trailer or Tavaziva Dance website
Recommended for ages 12+