
Abstraction in Collage - Composition and Techniques

25 Feb 2023

Regular hours

Sat, 25 Feb
11:00 – 14:00

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Cost of entry

Members: $80 USD
Non-members: $95 USD

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Hosted by: Collage Artists of America

We look forward to meeting you! You will be sent a Zoom link after registration.

In this workshop you will be making a series of small collages, each with a different compositional style with an emphasis on finding your own creative voice.


Duration: 3 Hours

Using participants’ own collection of altered/found papers, this workshop will focus on “putting it all together” using compositional tools and Kathy’s tips and techniques for successful abstract compositions. 

The facilitator for this workshop is Kathy Leader from The Art Process Studio, southern California.

You can learn more about her at​  


1. Collage papers
-a variety of handmade or collected papers. Include some text/handwritten or drawn papers and some plain colors such as construction paper.
2. Scissors
3. Matte medium or whatever you use to stick down your collages
4. Old credit card
5. Palette paper
6. Cheap paintbrush for medium
7. Notebook/sketchbook and pencil(for taking notes)
8. 6-8 x substrate bases (mixed media/bristol/watercolor/boards) at least 9” x 12”
9. Any stencils you may have and sponge for applying
10. Acrylic paints (a few basic colors, plus black & white) This is optional.
11. Brushes, water, rags/paper towels

Join us!

Founded in 1988, Collage Artists of America (CAA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to share the love of mixed media, assemblage, and digital collage. CAA's membership includes art instructors, professional artists who exhibit widely, mid-career and beginning artists, art students and those who have an interest in and love for the art of collage.

CAA holds general meetings five times a year in which stimulating programs are presented by guest artists renowned for their work in collage and assemblage.

Member juried exhibits are mounted annually at venues ranging from galleries and museums to online and alternative spaces.

In addition to meetings and exhibits, CAA offers workshops, newsletters, studio visits and special events. Learn more here:

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