Above : Below - Sarah Waters
15 Sep 2022 – 6 Nov 2022
Regular hours
- Thursday
- 10:30 – 16:00
- Friday
- 10:30 – 16:00
- Saturday
- 10:30 – 16:00
- Sunday
- 10:30 – 16:00
- Wednesday
- 10:30 – 16:00
Free admission
- Garsdale Road
- Cumbria
England - LA10 5LW
- United Kingdom
Sarah Waters is a contemporary artist who uses sustainable local wool to show the beauty of the landscape using felt to personify the hard-geological strata above and below the environment.
Sarah’s life has always been intertwined with sheep and wool. From an early age she was picking tufts from fences and twisting them into yarn. At the age of 13 Sarah started breeding Rare Breeds of sheep and learning to spin, weave and dye. There was a natural progression in to studying Agriculture and so ultimately running her own sheep farm was no surprise.
Living in the New Forest, UK, her work reflects her desire to connect with nature and the importance of sustainability. Sarah uses local fleeces where possible and is passionate about supporting the British Wool Industry. Wool has been a very undervalued resource over the past few years and Sarah wants to show the potential that it now has for the future, in our throwaway society.
Sarah now has over twenty years of experience in teaching felt making from school children, adults with learning difficulties to community projects. She currently runs her own business teaching, exhibiting in the UK and internationally and selling her work though galleries and online. The work she produces is not only functional but has colour, texture, and tactile qualities.
Using both traditional and innovative techniques she aims to show the diversity and qualities felt making can be taken to and pushes the boundaries with her work. Sarah’s work is usually in relief and very often three-dimensional. She is a very ‘hands on’ person and loves the tactile feel of felting. Each piece she produces is unique and loves that fact it can never be replicated. Felt making is a passion, her life and in her soul.