20 Nov 2014 – 7 Dec 2014
- 87 Dalston Lane
- Dalston
- London
- E8 2NG
- United Kingdom
Bob Aldous, Dale Lewis, Mo. Fathollahi, Yari Ostovany, and Natalie Ryde relinquish their free floating brushes and rich palates to give us "A Remembered Dream".
We often wake up not remembering our dreams. Sometimes that is frustrating, and sometimes lucky. The dream world, remembered or not, is a world of aspirations unfulfilled, fears realized, loves requited and powers redeemed. The potential of anything and everything is in essence terrifying — an existential angst that we either master or ignore. The works in this exhibition have neither mastered nor ignored these dreams and nightmares: they are submerged in them.
Curated by Tara Aghdashloo.
-Bob Aldous’s minimalistic, stream-like strokes are visual poetry: they are economic, temporal and as if possessing the qualities of sound and motion on a two-dimensional surface. He is often inspired by nature, galvanizing only a range of carefully selected and purposely executed lines, colours and patterns to recreate romantic abstractions. His silk works are a relatively new departure in both artistic medium and influence, taking inspiration from the traditional “shan-shui” Chinese paintings.
Aldous lives and works in west London. He trained at Ravensbourne College, Goldsmiths College and the University of East Anglia. Since 2005 he started to concentrate on his own poetic works and installations, including commissions from St Paul’s Cathedral and collaborative projects with the Shunt collective.
-Dale Lewis compels a sense of terror and joy as he puts everyday objects, scenes or scenarios in a uncanny environments. His nod to surreal painters and the violent provocations he so kindly and almost innocently depicts are all conscious efforts to make an “honest work.” As he says, “it is very easy to ‘make a painting that looks good’ The difficulty that drives the work is striving for the ability to create a good painting, regardless of how it finally looks. Lewis’ rhetorical figures function in a world of subtle alteration and effacement of expectation.
Educated in Brighton and London, Lewis has worked at Damien Hirst’s studio and more recently for painter Raqib Shaw.
-Mo. Fathollahi uses his work as a vehicle of remembrance. His past life and identity are loosely re-assembled and juxtaposed, much like in a dream, producing multi-dimentional works. Fathollahi constantly traverses the relationship between the personal and the political, without prescribing a resolution.
Having studied at the University of Art, Tehran, Mo. is currently pursuing a graduate degree in MA Fine Art at the University of Brighton. “I use layering and juxtaposing different images in order to look back at recollections to create paintings out of unique reminiscent of some nexuses in the past.”
-Yari Ostovany enters the realm of mystery and spirituality, using layers of paint that are both luminous and opaque, revelatory and hidden, leaving a tense emotional after taste. He describes his work as an “archiving process having to do with psychic geology and, somewhat akin to layers of memory – giving way to another, ephemeral sense of form and visual phenomena, dealing with an interiority as opposed to an exterior reality.”
Based in San Francisco, U.S, Ostovany has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions around the world, most recently taking part in the Battersea Art Fair, 2014.
Natalie Ryde’s ink nets are a hypnotic exercise in discipline and derision. Her organic lines and corporal clusters and triffid growths, are often trapped or entangled within equally beautiful net-like structures, floating like a memory within a dream. There is a feeling of life within; a balance and tension that suggests the sensation of existing, a pulse, a stretch, a quiver, the vital spark. “Opposing forces are present within drawings, sometimes they exist in equilibrium and others seem to be mid battle, there is often an ambiguity in the positions of power and potential for the balance to alter.”
Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2005, Ryde has undertaken a number of residencies and commissions notably at Kensington Palace in 2011 and Kew Gardens in 2012 and exhibited in the UK and Europe.
For press and media inquiries and to obtain the catalogue: info@tilgallery.com
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