
A Conversation with Sinta Tantra, Harriet Thorpe, and Guillaume Vandame

29 Aug 2018

Regular hours

11:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry


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Between Painting and Architecture:
A Conversation with Sinta Tantra, Harriet Thorpe and Guillaume Vandame


Known for her fascination with colour and composition, Sinta Tantra’s work is a playful experiment in both scale and dimension. After a decade of making public art, her work now ranges from small painted canvases to huge architectural installations; bold, tropical colour to a Calder-like minimalism. Her work occupies a space at the intersection between painting and architecture, striking a fine balance between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional, decorative and functional, public and private.

Your Private Sky (27 July – 1 September 2018) at Kristin Hjellegjerde London, Tantra’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, draws inspiration from the life and work of the seminal American architect and polymath Buckminster Fuller, exploring the systems of making that connect the imaginative to the everyday. Your Private Sky was the title of a 1948 manuscript in which Fuller outlined his visionary design for a glass geodesic structure – a structure that both projects and reflects, illuminating the viewer’s position in relation to the cosmos, and affording a global perspective on questions of common progress.


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