
A Common Thread Artist Talk

19 May 2023

Regular hours

Fri, 19 May
18:00 – 21:00

Free admission

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Join us April 19th at 6PM for an artist walkthrough of the A Common Thread exhibition!


Join us April 19th at 6PM for an artist walkthrough of the A Common Thread exhibition!

About the exhibition

Art Share L.A. proudly presents A Common Thread, an exhibition featuring fiber-based and textile works of art exploring autobiography and social critique, connection and displacement. The artworks in this exhibition are interlinked through themes of history and memory.

Featured artists include: Antoinette Adams, Amabelle Aguiluz, Doris Bittar, A. Laura Brody, Chloe Cusimano, Yasmine Nasser Diaz, Debra Disman, Carmen Mardonez, Carolyn Mason, Michelle Montjoy, Marie-Jose Njoku-Obi, Katie Shanks, Aneesa Shami Zizzo

About Art Share L.A.


Art Share L.A. creates equitable access and opportunity for emerging artists by providing a creative environment for them to live, work, develop, perform, and exhibit. We believe artists, as individuals, must be valued and supported as a vital part of a culturally rich, vibrant community.

HOUSING: Providing 30 affordable lofts relieves working artists of their fear of displacement as they develop their craft into a marketable enterprise.

CREATIVE ECONOMY: Connecting artists to paid opportunities, from selling their visual artwork to public art commissions.

ART SHARING: Providing this 30,000 sq. ft building as a platform for artists to share their work from visual art exhibitions to showcasing performances, we are here to help an artist’s voice be heard.

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