A break can be what we are aiming for
26 Apr 2018 – 1 Jul 2018
Event times
Tuesday to Saturday: Midday to 8pm - Sundays and holidays: 11am to 2pm - Closed Mondays
- Hospital, 56
- Barcelona
Avinguda de Catalunya - 08001
- Spain
“A break can be what we are aiming for” is a direct quotation from the author Sara Ahmed that points us towards the notion of rupture, of breakage, but also of a pause, an interruption. The fragile element may be a structure, a context or a situation that gradually wears us down, causing breakages and damage. The fact that we feel vulnerable means that we need safe places and spaces where we can gather our strength and build a family, a group, a tribe, a guerrilla force. Looking after ourselves and others is also a political act. Is there any way of relating to the break that does not aspire to restore what was broken? Remaining outside may constitute the safe place. A break may be what we are aiming for; it may be both a crevice and a hammer.
The works and formats in this exhibition revolve around and traverse these ideas that focus on vulnerability as power, the energy that comes from being demolished and demolishing at the same time, seeking, in a dual sense, the idea of the safe place and also the possibility of expanding, of circulating in a fragmentary and collective manner.