
A 100 years of Glenys Cour

3 Feb 2024 – 4 May 2024

Regular hours

11:00 – 17:00
11:00 – 17:00
11:00 – 17:00
11:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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Mission Gallery

Swansea, United Kingdom

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Mission Gallery is proud to present an exhibition celebrating a 100 years of Glenys Cour.


“Painter, printmaker, collage & stained-glass artist, poet, teacher, champion – ambassador for Wales. An abiding and extraordinary multi layered legacy. Glenys has touched and enriched so many lives – generations of students, artists & designers, exhibition visitors and friends. Gifting colour to all our lives.”

- Sally Moss

Glenys was born in Fishguard in 1924 and brought up in the mining communities of the Rhymney Valley. She studied under Ceri Richards at Cardiff Art School and in the late 1940’s came to teach in Swansea where she met and married sculptor, the late Ron Cour. Both taught at Swansea School of Art, Glenys mainly in the world-renowned Stained-Glass Department. She contributed to the wider world of Art in Wales through the South Wales Group (now the Welsh Group), WWAA, Friends of the Glynn Vivian and the Swansea Arts’ Workshop. A 2017 Retrospective Exhibition took place at Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, curated by the late Mel Gooding. Glenys is now 100, paints daily in her home studio and is inspired by the ever-changing light and views from her sea-front windows. Her work is in both private and public collections. In 2020 she was awarded an MBE for services to the visual arts in Wales.

Exhibition opening:
11am - 5pm
Saturday 03 February 2024

Talks with Sally Moss:
Thursday 29 February 2024, 6.30 - 7.30pm
Saturday 02 March 2024, 2 - 3pm


"Peintiwr, gwneuthurwr printiau, artist collage a gwydr lliw, bardd, athro, pencampwr – llysgennad dros Gymru. Bydd atgofion eithriadol, aml-haenog a diddorol ar ei hôl. Mae Glenys wedi cyffwrdd a chyfoethogi cynifer o fywydau – cenedlaethau o fyfyrwyr, artistiaid a dylunwyr, ymwelwyr ag arddangosfeydd a ffrindiau. Mae hi wedi rhoi lliw i’n bywydau ni i gyd."

- Sally Moss

Ganed Glenys yn Abergwaun yn 1924 a chafodd ei magu yng nghymunedau glofaol Cwm Rhymni. Bu’n astudio o dan Ceri Richards yn Ysgol Gelf Caerdydd ac ar ddiwedd y 1940au daeth i addysgu yn Abertawe lle cyfarfu â’r cerflunydd, y diweddar Ron Cour, a’i briodi. Bu’r ddau’n athrawon yn Ysgol Gelf Abertawe, Glenys, yn bennaf yn yr Adran Gwydr Lliw fyd-enwog. Cyfrannodd at fyd ehangach Celf yng Nghymru drwy Grŵp De Cymru (y Grŵp Cymreig erbyn hyn), y WWAA, Cyfeillion Glynn Vivian a Gweithdy Celf Abertawe. Cynhaliwyd Arddangosfa Ddethol yn 2017 yn Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian, wedi’i churadu gan y diweddar Mel Gooding. Erbyn hyn, mae Glenys yn 100 oed, yn peintio’n ddyddiol yn ei stiwdio gartref ac mae’n cael ei hysbrydoli gan y golau a’r golygfeydd newidiol o’i ffenestri sy’n wynebu’r môr. Mae ei gwaith mewn casgliadau preifat a chyhoeddus. Cafodd MBE am ei gwasanaeth i gelfyddydau gweledol yn 2020.

Agoriad arddangosfa:
11yb - 5yp
Dydd Sadwrn 03 Chwefror 2024

Sgyrsiau gyda Sally Moss:
Dydd Iau 29 Chwefror 2024, 6.30 - 7.30yh
Dydd Sadwrn 02 Mawrth 2024, 2 - 3yp

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Glenys Cour


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