
75 Works on Paper

17 Nov 2017 – 23 Dec 2017

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
11:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Free admission

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Beers London

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Barbican, Farringdon, St. Pauls
  • Farringdon
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

BEERS London presents its second (annual) Work on Paper exhibit.


The exhibition combines the work of over 50 artists working internationally, including both emerging and mid-career artists who were each asked to contribute as few as one (and as many as four) A4 works on paper. Any other overarching theme or concept was avoided to allow for a show that celebrates each artist's unique perspective in its most basic iteration. All works were either created specifically for this exhibition or culled from the artist's personal archive, and the result is an exciting culmination of works across any number of media, technical approaches, or conceptual backgrounds. What one sees viewing the art is the wonderfully diverse (and in often, quite related) themes and imagery, which include figurative, abstract, or text-based work, but also includes collage, preliminary sketches, and even sculptural or conceptual art that breaks from what we might expect. 

Participating Artists: 


William Bradley | Jonathan Chapline | Jonni Cheatwood | Pat Cleveland | Miles Debas | Kim Dorland
James Drinkwater | Jonathan Edelhuber | Nick Flatt | Lenz Geerk | Ina Gerken | Robert Hardgrave | Aly Helyer
Damien Hoar de Galvan | Clinton Hayden | Gregory Hodge | Anna Ilsley | Thomas Iser | Joshua Jefferson 
Daniel Jensen | Erik Jones | Jordy Kerwick | Sandro Kopp | William Lachance | Adam Lee | Dane Lovett 
Leif Low Beer | Jessie Makinson | Kathryn Maple | Peter Matthews | Matt Maust | Laith McGregor | Holly Mills
Benjamin Murphy | Mark Mullin | Dominic Musa | Daniel Noonan | Dominic Myatt | Erik Olson | Danielle Orchard
Naudline Pierre | Mateusz Piestrak | Henrik Placht| Michael Reeder | Barry Reigate | Zach Reini
Nathan Ritterpusch | Giuliano Sale | Andrew Salgado | Mason Saltarelli | David Shillinglaw | Antonia Showering
Matthew David Smith | Pablo Tomek | Thom Trojanowski Hobson | Camille Walala | Taylor A White

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Erik Jones

Damien Hoar de Galvan

Mark Mullin

Anna Ilsley

Antonia Showering

Matt Maust

Mateusz Piestrak

Jessie Makinson

Benjamin Murphy

Laith McGregor

Adam Lee

Adam Lee

Aly Helyer

Thom Trojanowski Hobson

Thom Trojanowski Hobson

Pablo Tomek

Gregory Hodge

Jonni Cheatwood

Jonni Cheatwood

Erik Olson

Nick Flatt

Clinton Hayden

Miles Debas

William Lachance

James Drinkwater

Pat Cleveland

Jordan Kerwick

Lanz Geerk

Ina Gerken

Thomas Iser

Holly Mills

Jonatnan Edelhuber

Henrik Placht

Joshua Jefferson

Nathan Ritterpusch

Mason Saltarelli

Dominic Musa

Barry Reigate

Sandro Kopp

Daniel Noonan

Taylor A White

Kathryn Maple

Kim Dorland

Leif Low Beer

Andrew Salgado

Andrew Salgado

Michael Reeder

William Bradley

David Shillinglaw

Camille Walala

Giuliano Sale

Matthew David Smith

Jonathan Chapline

Robert Hardgrave

Daniel Jensen

Peter Matthews

Peter Matthews

Danielle Orchard

Zach Reini

Dane Lovett

Naudline Pierre

Dominic Myatt


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