
25 Years of Design

31 Aug 2022 – 3 Sep 2022

Regular hours

Wed, 31 Aug
10:00 – 18:00
Thu, 01 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Fri, 02 Sep
10:00 – 18:00
Sat, 03 Sep
10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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As informed by a collective pursuit to disseminate creative culture and insights, [ 25 Years of Design ] offers a unique opportunity to reiterate Hong Kong's values and vision for the foreseeable future across the Greater Bay Area.


[ 25 Years of Design ] is a special exhibition to celebrate Hong Kong’s design achievements from the past two decades through exciting installations, diverse presentations and a rich events program. Organized by Designworks Foundation and organized and curated by founder Winnie Yue, the exhibition will be presented free to the public from August 31 to September 3 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. [ 25 Years of Design ] is an official event of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR.

[ 25 Years of Design ] will feature immersive exhibitions that highlight some of the most influential and impactful architectural and design projects, reflecting innovation, creativity and resilience in Hong Kong’s history.

Encompassing ten sections, highlight presentations include a Design Gallery spotlighting a collection of outstanding public projects across transport, medical, academic, housing, heritage, cultural and leisure sectors, such as the Chek Lap Kok airport, Dr Sun Yat Sen Museum, Hong Kong Velodrome, M+ Museum, Green@Wanchai Stations and Bishop Hill Service Reservoir; a Design Library featuring products by leading Hong Kong based designers from furniture to lighting and home accessories; as well as two international pavilions in collaboration with Design Italy by the Italian Cultural Institute and Hong Kong Design Institute showcasing seminal works from the Memphis Group, and a UK Pavilion by UK Trade and Investment. In addition, there will be an exhibition on Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Region as well as creative MIC (Modular Integrated Construction) Housing Installations.  

[ 25 Years of Design ] will also include a bilingual ‘Dialogue Speakers Series’ of mastertalks throughout the duration bringing leading architects and emerging designers together to offer their insights on key topics in design and urban development, engage in creative exchange and foster greater design appreciation among public audiences. Highlight speakers include Keith Griffiths, Chair of Aedas, Bryant Lu, Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu and Partners; Winnie Ho, Director ArchSD; Donald Choi, President, HK Institute of Architects & HK Institute of Urban Design and Elaine Ng, Founder of Fabrick Lab and Michael Young of MYoung studio among others.

In addition [ 25 Years of Design ] will explore aspects of Hong Kong’s culture, history and heritage including The Lion Rock Spirit featuring miniature models of local structures common during the 1960s and 70s, Kaleidoscope: Magic of Hong Kong’s immersive installation of iconic Hong Kong landscapes,  and a Design Exhibition on national and regional flags and emblems.

 “We are excited to present [ 25 Years of Design ] that will bring together some of the most meaningful and innovative projects in our city’s history for the public to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the influence of design in our everyday lives. This diverse exhibition experience will further demonstrate the creative talent in Hong Kong design and architecture that continues to inspire connection and exchange in the Greater Bay region and on the international stage for all,” comments Winnie Yue, Organizer and Curator of [ 25 Years of Design ].

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