21er PAVILION 2016. Living in the Wall
22 Jun 2016 – 23 Oct 2016
- Arsenalstraße 1
- Vienna
Vienna - 1030
- Austria
Together with the Vienna University of Technology, the 21er Haus realized an experimental housing installation, which is located in the lower-level courtyard of the museum during the summer months. After leisure with The Art of ReCreation (2014), this year’s subject is living in the future.
How can we ensure the optimum use of living spaces? Which spatial requirements are essential in order to live cheaply and comfortably today? In times of crisis, what influence do people’s new basic needs have on the architecture of temporary housing, such as emergency shelters, on social housing or on the renovation of old urban buildings? Do we need a paradigm shift in our approach to housing?
All of these questions are addressed by this year’s pavilion project Living in the Wall. The wall as a constructive and functional element is innovatively reinterpreted by the final design.
The project was realized by students of architecture from the Vienna University of Technology under the direction of Christine Hohenbüchler (Head of the Institute of Art and Design, Drawing and Visual Languages) and architect David Calas (Lecturer in the Institute of Housing Construction and Design). Furthermore, the 1:1 model should also be used by the students as an active site for debate during the summer months. Living in the Wall, a meeting place.