12 Hughes
26 Jan 2018 – 25 Mar 2018
Regular hours
- Friday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Sunday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
- 32 Rivington Street
- Shoreditch
- London
United Kingdom - EC2A 3LX
- United Kingdom
A collaborative exhibition by Patrick Hughes and his artists.
HIX ART is pleased to present 12 Hughes a group exhibition featuring new works by Patrick Hughes and his studio artists.
Twelve artists will be featured in the show along with Hughes; Donna Kemp, Ian Robinson, Ioanna Christoforidou, Irrum Ahmed, Jason Parker, Justin Virdi, Katie Elder, Kelly-Anne Davitt, Kirsty Sellman, Lif Parker, Michele Martinelli and Zoe Moss.
This exhibition, a play on the 12 hues of the colour spectrum, celebrates the individuality of each artist yet encompasses the relationship between them. Techniques and medium range from realist portraiture and wood carving to photography and textiles. Similarly to the colour wheel, each artist's practice compliments one another in a harmonious portfolio of artworks, this harmony is reflected in their working studio practice;‘I was amazed by how homely it was visiting Patrick's studio and the longevity of which these artists have worked together spoke for itself. It was refreshing to see the reciprocated support between an established artist and their assistants’ - Sophie Harriott, Gallery Director.
Patrick Hughes opened his Hoxton studio in 1995 and is renowned for reverspective three-dimensional paintings. Hughes' work is concerned with optical and visual illusions, the science of perception and the nature of artistic representation. He has written and collated three books on the visual and verbal rhetoric of the paradox and oxymoron.
‘When the principles of perspective are reversed and solidified into sculpted paintings something extraordinary happens; the mind is deceived into believing the impossible, that a static painting can move of its own accord’ Patrick Hughes.
Since the 1970s Hughes' name has been synonymous with the rainbow paintings that he began producing during this period. For Hughes, the rainbow represented a solid experience, the same theory can be understood through the elements and curation of this exhibition.