018 geometric | Ivan Liovik Ebel, Ab van Hanegem, Francisco Rozas
21 Apr 2018 – 16 Jun 2018
Event times
Please note that we have extended opening hours during the upcoming Gallery Weekend Berlin (27-29 April): Fri 3-9 pm, Sat 11 am - 7 pm, Sun 11 am - 6 pm
- Pohlstraße 73
- Berlin
Berlin - 10785
- Germany
Galerie Gilla Loercher is very pleased to present the group show "018 geometric" including paintings and objects inspired by geometry of the following artists: Ivan Liovik Ebel, Ab van Hanegem and Francisco Rozas.
The phrase that maybe best describes Ivan Liovik Ebel´s work in a nutshell is “the spaces in between”. For him personally, the term “intermediate spaces” refers to a sort of investigation of the relativity of perception, of forms of non-distinguishability as well as the relationship between time and space.??Ebel works with many different media like painting, print, installation, sculpture or performance. In each case, he is interested in a certain moment of indeterminacy and uncertainty, one in which one no longer knows exactly what one is actually looking at. He is always concerned with a very delicate situation, which can often only be observed upon taking a closer look.