

5 Jun 2013 – 30 Jun 2013

Event times

5th June 6-9PM

Cost of entry


Save Event: Chrysalis

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The BAR Gallery at Willesden Green

London, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • 52, 98, 260, 266, 302, 460
  • Jubilee Line to Willesden Green (zone 2)
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map



OPEN CALL SUBMISSION DETAILS FOR CHRYSALIS // TRANSITION Are you a virtual gallery? An arts organisation in transition? Maybe an individual wanting to show work? Or you just need more gallery space?! Then this is the show the space for you… OPEN CALL! All levels and mediums welcome! Electric House is a large space and we will endeavor to accept as many works as possible! This is an open conversation …With a lose theme of transition and change RUNNING 5 — 28 June BAR GALLERY: ELECTRIC HOUSE 296 Willesden Lane, London NW2 5HW INFO FOR APPLICANTS Want to get in early?! Send by E-mail before Friday 31 May E: info@brentartistsresource.org.uk Please include: Name // Email // Tel // Website // How you would like to pay* Submit up 6 works // Title of each piece // Price // Medium 72 DPI - JPEG format Or bring in person Sunday 2 June 2-7PM or Monday 3 June 2-7PM If you've been informed by a partner organisation, just reference them in the subject line of the email or when you arrive on the forms we will hand out on: Sunday 2 June 2-7PM or Monday 3 June 2-7PM DATES FOR THE DIARY Send work by email 31 May Bring in Person 2 and 3 June 2-7PM Private View 5 June 6-9PM Show Running 5 — 28 June OPEN Daily 2-6PM HOW MUCH Pretty cheap! And NO Commission taken BAR members £6 per entry (max size 2 x 2 meters) Partner Organisations £7 per entry (max size 2 x 2 meters) Individuals £10 per entry, so why not join and save some denero?! *Details for hanging work: Maybe your work is a video, sculpture or an installation!? We have plinths, a screen, projector and lots of space! For framed works, you will need a wired back or mirror plates HOW TO PAY Submission is per piece Secure your place by sending via Paypal to: info@brentartsistsreource.org.uk Paid by cash or cheque on Sunday 2 June 2-7PM or Monday 3 June 2-7PM Cheque: Made Payable to Brent Artists Resource Company Ltd It's going to be a great show! More questions? Just email us at info@brentartsistsreource.org.uk Collection of work 29June 1-8 PM (But we can be flexible if this date does not suit)


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